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Results / July 11, 2024 / by TNA Wrestling Staff
TNA iMPACT starts NOW!
The show begins where we left off when TNA iMPACT went off the air last week, Ryan Nemeth is filming Frankie Kazarian and says he knows he’s the one who jumped Nic Nemeth, Nic Nemeth jumps Kazarian and beats him down until he is pulled off by security and Kazarian flees.
It was @FrankieKazarian who took out @NicTNemeth!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Jordynne Grace vs. Izzi Dame – Knockouts World Championship Match
Izzi Dame from NXT answers Jordynne Grace’s Open Challenge.
.@WWENXT's @izzi_wwe answers @JordynneGrace's TNA Knockouts World Championship Open Challenge!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Before the match starts, The Personal Concierge interrupts, announcing that Ash by Elegance is on vacation but watching via satellite.
.@Ashamae_Sebera is watching VIA satelite as @izziwwe_ goes head to head with @JordynneGrace for the Knockouts World Championship!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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The match begins with a lock-up, and Dame taunts Grace, asking for a test of strength before cheap-shotting her. Grace takes control with a suplex, slamming Dame to the mat and tossing her to the floor. Grace continues her assault outside the ring as Ash watches.
Dame recovers as the concierge distracts Grace, but Rosemary chases him off.
.@WeAreRosemary just chased off The Personal Concierge!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Dame uses the distraction to drop Grace throat-first on the top rope and hits a Stalling Falcon Arrow. Both women fight back and forth until Grace lands the Juggernaut Driver and defeats Izzi Dame.
#ANDSTILL Knockouts World Champion @JordynneGrace!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Jordynne Grace Def. Izzy Dame.
When we return from the break, Santino announces a Wild Card Tag Team match featuring Josh Alexander and Joe Hendry vs. Steve Maclin and Moose.
.@milanmiracle just made a HUGE announcement for TONIGHT's Main Event! @Walking_Weapon teams up with @joehendry to take on @TheMooseNation and @SteveMaclin in a Wild Card Tag Team Match!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Zachary Wentz vs. Charlie Dempsey
.@ZacharyWentz keeps the Rascalz momentum alive after reuniting with @WesLee_WWE on @WWENXT! Wentz vs. NXT's Charlie Dempsey is NEXT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Wentz rushes at Dempsey, who grabs a headlock. They exchange a series of holds until Wentz gets to his feet and breaks free. The pace picks up, and Wentz catches Dempsey with a dropkick. Dempsey slows him down with a chop and bends Wentz’s arm back with a knuckle lock, stomping on his elbow.
.@ZacharyWentz and NXT's Charlie Dempsey start HOT but its Dempsey who takes control!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Dempsey targets Wentz’s elbow, dropping him with a gutwrench and continuing the assault on his arm. The crowd rallies behind Wentz, giving him the energy to fight back. However, Dempsey catches Wentz with a dragon screw, continuing his attack on Wentz’s arm.
Wentz finds an opening with a well-placed handspring knee drop, following up with an array of blows that send Dempsey reeling. Wentz hits a running shooting star, gaining control. Just as Wentz has the upper hand, Myles Bourne and Dempsey’s No Quarter Catch Crew partner interfere taking out Trey on the floor, causing a distraction. This gives Dempsey the advantage, and he pins Wentz with a full nelson suplex. The No Quarter Catch Crew then beats down Wentz.
.@WWENXT's @mylesborne_wwe just attacked @TheTreyMiguel, costing @ZacharyWentz the match!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Charlie Dempsey def. Zachary Wentz
A video shows The System taunting Matt and Jeff Hardy’s return next week on iMPACT, while Moose praises JDC for pulling his weight. Moose also takes shots at Josh Alexander and Joe Hendry ahead of their match later tonight.
The System addresses @MATTHARDYBRAND and @JEFFHARDYBRAND's comeback NEXT WEEK on #TNAiMPACT! @TheEddieEdwards @MrsAIPAlisha @TheMooseNation @Myers_Wrestling @DirtyDangoCurty
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Charlie Dempsey and Myles Bourne taunt the Rascalz, claiming that the No Quarter Catch Crew is the most dominant faction in wrestling. They emphasize that Dempsey did not show up alone as Tavion Heights enters the frame. However, Santino also appears, announcing that the No Quarter Catch Crew will face the Rascalz in a 6-man Tag Team Match next week.
Charlie Dempsey and @mylesborne_wwe didn't come alone! @TavionHeights is here! The No Quarter Catch Crew faces off with @TheTreyMiguel, @ZacharyWentz and ?! NEXT WEEK on #TNAiMPACT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Speedball Mike Bailey vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA – #1 Contenders Match for the X Division Championship
Can @SpeedballBailey earn his #1 Contender spot for the X Division Championship at #TNASlammiversary back!? Find out RIGHT NOW on iMPACT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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The match begins with excitement as all three men exchange pin attempts. Bailey gains control with multiple kicks and a huge Moonsault dive to the floor.
KUSHIDA, @TheJonGresham and @SpeedballBailey are all looking to end this one quickly!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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taking out only KUSHIDA. Gresham seizes the opportunity, grabbing Bailey from behind and tossing him into the ring, but Bailey quickly regains the advantage.
Gresham turns the tide with an Enziguri to Bailey while KUSHIDA holds Bailey’s leg, followed by a dragon screw that sends Bailey to the floor.
.@TheJonGresham is taking control!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Gresham locks in a single-leg crab on KUSHIDA, but Bailey re-enters the ring, firing off multiple kicks to Gresham’s chest. Gresham takes out Bailey and dives onto KUSHIDA.
Back in the ring, Gresham meets a kick to the face from Bailey but quickly takes control again, locking in a figure-four leg lock. Gresham absorbs a double Enziguri from KUSHIDA and Bailey. KUSHIDA fires up, taking out Bailey and focusing on Gresham, hitting the Tanaka Punch, and going for the Hoverboard Lock. Bailey breaks it up, and the two exchange kicks. Bailey superkicks KUSHIDA and goes for the Tornado Kick, which KUSHIDA evades, turning and diving on Gresham on the floor. Bailey sweeps out KUSHIDA’s feet and Moonsault stomps on him.
KUSHIDA takes the opportunity to take out @TheJonGresham!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Gresham grabs KUSHIDA and starts spitting out ink, but KUSHIDA counters with Green Mist and locks in the Hoverboard Lock. Bailey hits Ultima Weapon on both men and earns his X Division title shot against Ali at Slammiversary.
.@MustafaAli_X can't escape @SpeedballBailey anymore! Bailey vs. Ali for the X Division Champion is official AGAIN at #TNASlammiversary!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Speedball Mike Bailey def. KUSHIDA and Jonathan Gresham
The Secret Service, Champaign Singh, and Ali blindside Mike Bailey. The Secret Service holds Bailey still, and Ali is about to hit him with a chair when Trent Seven tries to make the save. Ali smashes Trent Seven’s leg with the chair and locks in a Sharpshooter on Trent while Bailey is held by the Secret Service.
DISGUSTING actions from @MustafaAli_X!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Steph De Lander is sitting on a beach and speaks to PCO about their relationship. She tells PCO that she needs to go back to Australia to tie up some loose ends and asks, “Will you wait for me?”
.@stephdelander has a special message for @PCOisNotHuman on TNA iMPACT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Aj Francis vs. Rhino – Digital Media Championship Match
Before the match begins, Aj Francis insults Rhino and Philadelphia, prompting Rhino to attack Francis. Rhino sets up for the Gore, but Rich Swann jumps into the ring and hits Rhino, causing a disqualification. First Class attacks Rhino and starts beating him down.
Santino’s music hits, and he restarts the match as a Philadelphia Street Fight.
.@RichSwannTNA and @AJFrancis410 thought they pulled a fast one on @Rhyno313 but it backfired! Francis vs Rhino just became a Philly Street Fight!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Rhino begins getting some payback and tries to grab a table, but Francis shuts him down with a steel chair. Rhino follows up with a chair shot of his own.
Rhino pulls out a table and sets it up. Aj Francis catches Rhino with a low blow, rolling him up and winning the match with a roll-up!
.@RichSwannTNA and @AJFrancis410 STEAL the victory! Next Stop, defending both the TNA Digital Media Title and the International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against @PCOisNotHuman at #TNASlammiversary!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Aj Francis def. Rhino
They start attacking Rhino, and the lights go out. When they come back on, PCO is in the ring. He takes out Francis, but as he goes to dive on him, Francis pulls the rope down, sending PCO crashing to the floor. Francis then chokeslams PCO on the ramp and taunts the 2300 Arena, raising the International Wrestling Championship and Digital Media Championship in the air. 2300 Arena with the Internation Wrestling Championship and Digital Media Championship raised in the air.
Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw
Tasha wastes no time and attacks Gisele during her entrance, gaining the advantage before the match begins. She tosses Gisele into the ring, and the bell rings.
.@GiseleShaw08 is in the iMPACT Zone but so is @RealTSteelz! What a Dropkick!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Tasha continues the beatdown, locking in a headlock as Gisele tries to fight back. The two exchange pin attempts, but Tasha stops Gisele in her tracks with a superkick.
The two Knockouts exchange forearms, and Gisele gets a near fall with Shock and Awe, but Tasha kicks out. Tasha goes for a bulldog, but Gisele turns it into a powerslam. Gisele attempts De Nu Mont, but Tasha escapes the first attempt only to be nailed with the second one, securing Gisele’s victory
Denouement Knee Strike CONNECTS! @GiseleShaw08 gets the W on iMPACT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Gisele Shaw def. Tasha Steelz
Gia Miller talks to Xia Brookside about her intentions to come after Alisha Edwards and mentions her recent conversation with Steph De Lander about PCO.
.@XiaBrookside has her sights set on @MrsAIPAlisha!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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JDC vs Chris Bey
.@DashingChrisBey takes on @DirtyDangoCurty RIGHT NOW on iMPACT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Right off the bell, Chris Bey lights up JDC with rapid strikes. JDC tries to escape, but Bey catches him with a front flip dive, followed by a kick to the face.
HUGE Dive from The Ultimate Finesser! @DashingChrisBey
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Bey sends JDC back into the ring and hits ten punches, continuing to pummel him. Bey goes for a springboard off the middle rope, but JDC sees the opening and shoves him to the floor.
JDC stalks Bey and drops him with a Suplex, then starts putting the boots to him. Meanwhile, The System’s Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and Alisha Edwards start walking down the ramp, keeping a close eye on Ace Austin and Bey.
What does @TheEddieEdwards, @MrsAIPAlisha and @Myers_Wrestling want now?!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Bey hits a jawbreaker and starts to take over the match, hitting a combo on JDC that ends in a rolling Neck breaker. Bey goes to the top rope, but Myers and Eddie cause a distraction by attacking Ace Austin. Bey gets down to come to the rescue, giving JDC the opportunity to hit Bey with “Down and Dirty,” stealing the victory.
.@DirtyDangoCurty, @TheEddieEdwards, @MrsAIPAlisha and @Myers_Wrestling are real proud of their actions on after laying out @The_Ace_Austin and @DashingChrisBey!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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JDC def. Chris Bey
The System and JDC start a beatdown on ABC and stand tall in the ring.
Matt & Jeff Hardy return to the iMPACT Zone NEXT WEEK!
.@MATTHARDYBRAND and @JEFFHARDYBRAND had words for TNA iMPACT and The System!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Joe Hendry takes the mic in typical Hendry fashion and speaks to the 2300 Arena, and then Frankie Kazarian graces the stage to join commentary for the Main Event.
.@FrankieKazarian interrupts the main event to join @TomHannifan and @DramaKingMatt at the commentary table!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Joe Hendry & Josh Alexander vs Moose & Steve Maclin – Wild Card Tag Team Match
The match starts with Josh Alexander and Steve Maclin squaring off. Maclin goes for the KIA, and Josh goes for the C4 Spike, but they reset and lock up. Josh catches Maclin with an Arm Drag, prompting Maclin to tag in Moose. Moose takes control of Alexander, but Josh evades and points to Hendry, who gets the tag and enters the ring, immediately starting to punch Moose. Hendry goes for a Suplex, but Maclin pulls him down. Josh comes in to make the save, Suplexing Maclin and motivating Hendry, who then suplexes Moose.
.@joehendry Suplexes @TheMooseNation with a little motivation from @Walking_Weapon!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Josh takes back over, sending Maclin to the apron and going for a crossbody, but Moose yanks him out of the ring. Moose tags back in and starts beating on Josh, with Moose and Maclin exchanging tags to do more damage to Alexander. Josh starts fighting back and goes to tag Hendry, but Moose yanks Hendry off the apron. Maclin sets Josh up and hits him with Into the Crosshairs.
.@Walking_Weapon CAUGHT in the Crosshairs! @SteveMaclin
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Josh finds an opening with a Hurricanrana from the second rope and tags in Hendry, who comes in on fire, running through Moose and Maclin.
Maclin tries to jump Hendry but gets met with a cutter. Hendry pop-up powerbombs Moose, getting the crowd behind him. He goes for the Standing Ovation, but Maclin escapes. Alexander grabs a blind tag and starts giving Maclin German suplexes. After 10 German Suplexes, Josh is fired up with the momentum in his favor. Moose cuts off the momentum, and all four men start teeing off on each other. Maclin and Hendry go down as Moose and Alexander continue throwing blows. Alexander clotheslines Moose inside out and points to Hendry!
Josh goes for a C4 Spike while Hendry goes for a Standing Ovation, but Kazarian hops up on the apron, causing a distraction that leads to Moose hitting a spear and Maclin hitting a KIA, taking the victory.
.@FrankieKazarian sticks his nose where it doesn't belong and the distraction leads to @SteveMaclin and @TheMooseNation standing tall as TNA iMPACT goes off the air!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 12, 2024
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Moose & Steve Maclin Def Josh Alexander and Joe Hendry
TNA iMPACT goes off the air.